In February, Beth began working on the animated series Polinopolis, a Catalan production directed by Maria Antolini and Martin Guido and coproduced by Mago Production and Godo Films. The cartoon has a target audience of 6-9 years and follows the adventures of an unlikely group of friends. Milo is a boy, Yuca is a forest spirit, Zabo is a bee, Roco is a living rock and Uma is a flying head with blue hair. They live in Polinopolis, a town built on the ruins of a cemetery, and together they face the challenges of growing up. Their escapades are strange, paranormal and even absurd, but are always accompanied by a large dose of humour.
Beth is delighted to provide the voice of Uma, the flying head, in English. “Finding her voice was easy”, laughs Beth. “We have so much in common! As soon as I read the scripts I understood her. Because she floats and has no body, her voice is light and airy. But don’t be fooled… she can be incredibly feisty!”
The four seasons of the series will be recorded throughout the year for release in 2022.